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    192 Audio Reviews w/ Response

    All 236 Reviews

    You've still got it!
    Intense and epic are words that cross my mind when thinking how to describe this song.
    The only point of critique i have is that the timpani is maybe a bit too low. I don't know, i just wish it would be a bit clearer.
    Great job on this, keep it up! :D

    blackattackbitch responds:

    Someone else on a different site said the same thing about the timpani. I have to find a better timpani to use.
    Glad you liked it though!

    Pretty cool!
    ..It's weird how i'm still used to giving my review a title.
    Anyway, this is a pretty cool loop. I feel you could add some more things though. If you still have the project file, that is :p
    I like the hip-hop kind of drumbeat :)
    Miss a melody though.. it could be that you left it out intentionally, but i don't know.. i feel like it needs a bit more.
    Good job on this though, i like the rhythm and style. And the mixing is good too!

    5/5 :O

    alternativesolution responds:

    Thanks! I pretty much didn't put any effort into this. that or I was in a flurry of making other things and I just don't remember spending much time on it haha.
    Anyway, this was meant to be simple. I did leave out a melody, but if it would sound better I can just overall expand on it. Thanks for reviewing as always! :)

    Sounds.. robotic

    Yeah, pretty cool loop :)
    I like the phasing effect on one of the synths. Can't describe which one :p
    But yeah, this just sounds creepy and.. yeah.. cool.
    This would perfectly fit in a Flash game or movie with a dark and mysterious atmosphere. Maybe a 2D game where you control a robot and you have to sneak up on humans to kill them.
    The looping could be better though. I can hear when it starts again, almost as if the song stutters a bit.
    But this is just a really good loop. No further comments :p
    Keep on doing what you're doing! :D

    alternativesolution responds:

    Ha that's a great idea for a game! Now if only I could make one lol. I'll see if I can fix the looping. And thanks :)

    Fun :)

    It really is a fun song and i like it :)
    It's not really one of your better songs though, but it's still pretty dandy :p
    And it's a pity it doesn't loop well, because of the silence at the end :(
    Ah well, i don't really have anything else to say. Sorry :p


    alternativesolution responds:

    Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to do it :(
    Thankss, friend! :)

    Awe and then some.

    I seriously love that piano. Mjattie did an really good job playing it.
    And you.. you are amazing too. Those FX's are really nice and the mixing is spot on.
    The structure is really good too. First the part with the drums and sounds and pad and stuff, more added stuff, a little piano solo and then it continues with all awesome stuff including the piano and to bring the song to an ending the piano plays solo again. Great :D
    Yeah, there's not much more i can add. I wish i could give you some useful advice..
    Ah well. Great job! :)

    FlamingFirebolt responds:

    Glad you liked it.
    Yes i couldn't have played that piano any better. Mjattie did an excellent job. I asked if he could play some piano for a random WIP i was working on. And he simply said Sure. And that pretty much made the entire song. :D I really want to make more songs with him.
    Thanks you liked the FX's. That's basically how this song started. I got my hands on some crazy filters and weird delays. Experimented on a simply saw pad. And that's the very first pad sound you hear!
    Further more, i'm really proud on the mixing on this song. It has to be my VERY BEST mix ever! Everything sits nicely and is really clear :). ( Altough to some, the song lacks presence ).
    I'm really happy you liked it, it was a whole experiment to begin with, and with no experience in this kind of genre it was a pure gamble if people like it or not.
    Thanks for the review.

    My thoughts?

    This is a short, pretty nice sounding song. But it doesn't really hit me.
    I can't tell you what's wrong with the song or what could be better.
    All i can say it's nice. Nothing more nothing less.
    I like the rhythm and the melodies. And the drums. And the bass, 'specially at the beginning :)
    Anyway, good work here :D

    alternativesolution responds:

    Thanks :D I can't change it anyway, so thank you very much!

    Ok, this is just awesome!

    Seriously, this might be my favorite song (made by you) ever! :D
    A flash should be made around this song. It's just so.. storytelling.
    Storytelling? Yes, this song tells a story but with music instead of words.
    And because everyone has a different imagination and stuff, everyone will interpret this song different and different stories will be told to them.
    But of course, this song is not perfect. I did hear a few things that could be a bit better (in my opinion), like the guitary synth thing.. at 00:37 it plays a melody but the dynamics of that melody sound a bit weird. I mean, it's not like it's playing softer, but like the guitarist decided to run away like a mad man to continue his playing a half a mile from the listener. And he took his amp with him.
    And the drums could be a bit more in the background too, at some places.
    But, those are just minor flaws.
    Anyway, story time.

    ''Come with me. Don't be scared, it just a building.''
    Harry tried to convince Laura to go through the enormous doors that were in right in front of them.
    The building that they were about to enter, was a giant castle located just outside of a tiny village.
    The villagers said that the castle was pure evil and that nobody dared going near it. They didn't even know who owned it and if somebody lived there or not.
    But Harry wanted to investigate it and got his friend Laura to come with him.

    ''Well.. alright. If you go first, i'll follow.''
    Laura was convinced.
    Harry grabbed her hand. Not because he was scared she wouldn't come with him, but because he was frightened himself.
    Slowly Harry and Laura pushed the doors open. They were unlocked, like expected.
    When they were through the doors they could see that they were in a gigantic hall. They could see this, because of the ray of light that shined through the opening of the doors.
    Amazed and impressed they looked around them while they were still walking forward. They were away from the doors now and..
    they closed with a bang.
    Laura began to scream, but Harry who remained somewhat calm silenced her by putting his hand over her mouth.
    ''Calm down'' he whispered. And Laura calmed down.
    There was no light coming in the room. There were no windows and no other openings. It was pitch black.
    They heard something. It sounded like soft footsteps. But they got louder and louder.
    Harry grabbed Laura and ran with her towards the door, but the door was closer than they thought and smacked into it. Surprisingly, they didn't fall.
    Meanwhile, the sound of the footsteps was getting really loud know. The owner of the feet that produced the sound was not far away from them and both could feel and evil presence.
    Laura and Harry held each other, preparing for the worst.. whatever that might be.
    The footsteps stopped and a low, hair rising laugh filled the room.
    Harry nor Laura could make a sound.
    Suddenly they heard the sound of a blade, swooshing through the air and..
    Laura was hit on her head. She died instantly and Harry felt disbelief, anger, sadness and an immense fear at the same time.
    The complete darkness was a good thing now, because if Harry could've seen Laura he would have fainted.
    Another swooshing sound.
    Harry duct and heard the sword shattering the wooden door.
    Knowing there was nothing left he could do, he ran as fast as he could in the direction the sword came from. With a great force he knocked over a person and both fell to the ground. But Harry managed to land on top of this evil monster and hit it as hard a he could. He felt he was killing it.
    Fortunately, the creature which he was hitting didn't have any swords left, or Harry would've been stabbed to death.
    But before Harry could kill it, the doors swung open. The light revealed a person, but it's face was blank. The only things in the face were two dark red eyes.
    Harry got up and ran through the doors, which slammed shut behind him.
    It was raining outside now and it had became quite cloudy too.
    Harry ran away until he was at a safe distance and fell to his knees, crying loudly and screaming.

    It was a dramatic scene.

    I am all out of ch

    alternativesolution responds:

    Now I know what you meant when you said your fingers were sore :P Oh Mr. FairSquare I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this review. This is exactly why I created this! :D I am so glad that you could imagine a scene to it!! Your story...it is so so scary and dramatic :'( Anyway, I'll message you about specific improvements later. Now all I can say is, thank you thank thank youuuuuu~! :D

    Nice loop

    This is really well made and it loops perfectly. I could see this being used in the beginning of some movie, to introduce.. something.
    I like the spacey feeling and the way it builds up and down.
    Yeah, great job. That's all i have to say.
    A useless review without any criticism, i know. But it's nice to get some compliments, right? :p

    Rucklo responds:

    definitley is, and it especially warms me up in the cold and hard winter we're having right now... :) thanx dude!

    Typical alternativesolution song ;D

    Somehow, i could recognize your songs out of hundreds of other songs.

    The way you program your drums is unique and i like it :)
    I like the rhythm of the song, but it could sound a bit fuller. And it's a bit repetitive, especially for a loop of 49 seconds ;p
    Oh, and great song title :)
    Hmm, i write too little reviews. I've written barely anything and already i don't know what to say :p
    Ah well, keep on doing what you're doing and keep enjoying it! :D


    alternativesolution responds:

    Ah thanks! I think the exact same thing when I listen to your songs. Thanks about the title btw! And I'll keep note of the repetitiveness :) That seems to be another trait of my songs isn't it ? :P Thanks again deary :3

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