This is what happens to me when i sit somewhere and i hear music with some awesome acoustic guitar riff:
''Oh, that is so awesome! As soon as i'm home again i'm gonna play that!''
- Some time later - (Minutes or hours. Or maybe even a day. Doesn't really matter)
''Whoo, home again! Now, to my guitar!''
*Grabs guitar*
*Starts playing*
''Oh man, i can't play guitar for shit, this sounds like crap i suck''
*Puts away guitar*
And that, is how i practice.
Same thing happens to me... Hear an awesome song and I don't think it sounds to difficult. Get home, fail to play it. I truly suck at guitar.
Well, the solution is to practice then practice and then practice again.
But it's so frustrating when you seem to be stuck.