I see you..

Age 32, Male

I'm right here.

Joined on 9/25/08

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Unterhalten mich ich bin so gelangwielt. Vermaak me ik ben zo vervelen. Viihdyttaa minua olen niin tylsaa. Entreter estou aborreccido. Pobavte me tak nudim. Jegvil glaededu. Haluan ilo sinulle. Divertir je m'ennuie tellement.


Play a game. Its newgrounds, dumby.

I could. But i don't feel like playing games.

Ah I see.

You know Dutch? Are you Dutch? I like Dutch?

Am i Dutch?

But wouldn't the perspective that makes you feel good be the right perspective in some instances?

Depends on your perspective.
If believing a lie makes you feel good and the truth makes you hurt, is the lie the good perspective then?

I laughed. Other guy got butthurt. He's raging. I'm laughing. I got the joke. I win and I'm right.

What other guy? What did you win?

A weird guy I said watched that video of that woman and got depressed and angry when she made fun of him for being an idiot creeper. I won a laugh and joy.

It appears that we get joy out of different things, then.

So if I'm feeling good and he feels like an asshole I must be doin it right.

You would think so.

Or if you feel nothing out of it and I do then I'm feeling which is better. So I'm right.

Feeling better is being right?
If i use the same truth/lie situation, you would see that feeling good (believing a lie) is not always right.

Well that truth/lie situation is too broad. But I would typically favor the truth as correct anyway.

The truth is correct. But is the truth right?
You would rather know the truth than to live in a lie. Me too. But living a lie can be very joyful and easy.
So who are we to say what is right and what is wrong?

Tell me why you know Dutch? Are you smart and learned Dutch or are you dutch and awesome and smart and learned English?

I don't know about the awesome part, but i am Dutch and i 'learned' English.
'Learned', because i never really studied for it. Everything on TV is English with Dutch subtitles, so i kinda picked it up and it became natural to me.
I don't know the grammar rules of the English language, i just do what feels correct.

fyi I'm not trying very hard to make any sense.

You don't have to excuse yourself.

Also another comment.

I see.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship with a porn star. I guess they're just like you and me but they'd have some stories to tell. At least I'd imagine. Like a woman getting her eye poked out with a strap on.

It's interesting how amateur porn is the most popular. The one thing people want in low home made quality. But I guess it makes the people in it feel more attainable or on some level relatable.

I guess so.
A couple of days ago, i watched an interesting documentary about male porn stars.
You can watch it here. I think you might find it interesting. Because that's what it is.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feat ure=player_embedded&v=QScARw7MHzU

Its not that they're attainable. There are tons of attractive women in amateur porn. They're just better. Less plastic and edited and without worn out sluts. Of course the majority of amateur porn is disgusting. Because any creeper can do it.

I don't really want to discuss porn right now.

Also porno acting is always terrible. Most of hem are failed actors. Amateur makes it feel more real to people. Just a normal attractive person making money how they choose instead of being degraded and violated by pornographers.

I guess.

I can see your patience fading. Fading..

I have little time to answer these comments right now.

Well you do it well. And I love cool Dutch people. Not cool because they're Dutch but I just like it.

Haha, thanks. We all like cool people, i guess.
I mean, if we consider someone to be cool, then it's hard not to like them.

Well I hate creepers and I love the woman in the video. So I laughed. No judge me

Oh, i won't judge you. Don't you worry about that.

You hair makes you look like a faggot.

Oh, shut up you and let's make out <3