I have a thing for nonsense.
And not the nonsense where you spout out a word like UNION and think it's funny, but the kind of nonsense that makes you wonder if the nonsense is really that nonsensical.
Maybe nonsense is not the right word for it. Actually, i'm pretty sure it isn't.
Because what i'm thinking of is analyzing things that no one ever thought to analyze or things that are so insignificant that no one stops to think about it. Finding humour in those things.
I only know one person who can do that really well. He's a dutch comedian and i went to one of his shows. He's brilliant.
Maybe i'll give it a shot myself one day. You know, being a comedian. Going to an open mic night in some theater and see how i do. Because i know i can be funny and have a huge imagination.
I'll probably fail though. But i want to try.
So, yeah. Hi!
How are you?